Monday, February 28, 2011

Speaking of memes...

...I feel the need to ramble on in video form again - I actually quite enjoy it, minus the watching it back again and thinking "need to do more arm weights" and/or the constant "do I REALLY sound/look like that?!" - but it's quite therapeutic while I'm actually filming! So aside from the video, I thought I'd do a quick meme I found online today. In the mood to talk? Yes. In the mood to type? Not so much. I'm dopey from a bad night of sleep. I don't have a heap of time. Sahara is informing me she would dearly like to go out into the nasty, windy and cold day and gallavant around the neighborhood with me on the end of her leash. Excellent timing, as it's starting pouring rain with a vengeance.

So, to begin...

Are you a touchy person or do you prefer not to be touched by others?

Unless I truly and utterly trust someone beyond any shadow of a doubt - do NOT touch me. I literally freeze up and squirm - I truly detest it. Having said that, my massuer Glenn*, and my PT Dale are the only two fella's I let in my personal space without feeling the need to gounge their eyeballs out, which is generally handy.

*Unless he touches my toes. I despise having my toes touched, to the extent I will inadvertantly kick the daylights out of anyone who does it.

(side note: Glenn and Dale? Now referred to as Up Hill and Down Hill... what's with the topography names of my man servants?!)

What was your last conscious thought before dropping off to sleep last night?
The last thing I remember was without doubt unsuitable for general blog consumption. Mmm. Mmmmm....

What's your most outstanding virtue?
Right, this is something I need to work on: not being so self effacing. I notice especially on vlogs that I'm like 'Hi! I'm shit, let's deflect any positive attention away from self and focus on the negatives!" and I MUST stop this. I mean, I'm fairly awesome some days. Let's concentrate on that, Katie! So, outstanding virture. Uh... compassion. I like small animals.

How many different species of birds could you recognize on sight?
I was going to say, like maybe 5, and then I think about it, and I'm pretty good at this. Especially in Africa, when I had some time-zone differences I would sit and read the bird-spotting book (*cough* Geek! *cough*) and I learnt quite a few there, too. So I'd say...maybe 30? 50?

What are you avoiding?
Er. Putting my floordrobe away.

Look around you: list the first 5 things you see that bring back good memories.
1. Photos of my horses. They fill my heart with joy. 2. Sahara. We've had the best times together. Running through parks, swimming in the sea together, cuddling on the couch, moving houses 6 times. Uh...not that's she next to the bed, Cam, if you're reading this... 3. Positive sayings cards. Cam gave me these for my last birthday - one of the sweetest things I think he's ever given me. They say things like 'I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my own ship' (Louisa May Alcott) and 'Can you imagine what you would do if you could do all that you can?' (Sun Tzu). They are a little reminder to not dwell on negatives, realize how blessed I am and reflect a little bit when I'm down about how nice it was having my family here for my birthday last year. And they have really cute bird cartoons on them. 4. Big black pebble. I stole this from the bathroom in Fiji when I'd had one too many cocktails. There was some kind of flower arrangement with pebbles in it and I was busy concentrating on standing still without the world falling over and thought how lucky I was to be in such a gorgeous place after island hopping on a yacht all day, and took a pebble to remind me in future. It sits on my night stand. 5. Clothes/jewelry. I seriously struggle to throw anything out, simply because everything has memories for me. If I put on something I haven't worn in a while, I will actually stop and think "Ooh, I wore this at that fabulous restaraunt/on a gorgeous Summer day/snuggled up with movies" and it kind of sets the mood for the day. I LOVE getting dressed up, and knowing something is new makes it all the more exciting, but wearing something I love makes me feel really special.

How do you respond when someone says something unexpectedly kind to you?
Did I mention I needed to work on being nice to myself? Each night, Cam and I make a point of saying something nice to each other before bed, and getting it back in return so I can work on accepting compliments is not something I find easy. I truly believe 80% of the things he says are lies - how sad is that? I automatically assume the worst and look for ulterior motives when I get a compliment - unless it's about my leg length. I accept those ones, because I've learned to love them. Just gotta work on the rest!

If you could be any book character, who would it be?
I don't know about a book character, (Hermione! Hermione! Hermione!!) but if it were TV/Movie I would LOVE to be a cross between Samantha from Sex & The City, Karen Walker from Will and Grace, and Cameron Diaz in general. Hot, with balls.

Right, that small time frame I had is officially over. Breakfast time, salon time, dog walk time, horse feed time, shower time, boxing session time then dinner and bed... did I forget anything? Oh yeah, applying for another bunch of completely unsuitable! Have a great day, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. First, you said Balls. :) haha!

    Second, does this mean I cannot hug you in May without you getting all anxious and angry? Just checking in advance!


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