Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh, blog...

What can I say? I have given up. Blogging here is like visiting the dentist - I know I need to, I get so far as building up the courage to do it, then ... blah.

It's all just too hard. You see, I Tweet. I Facebook status. I Daily Booth, sometimes even thricely Booth. I upload Vlogs, which are a whole lot easier, and a whole lot more fun than these 'every day' blogs. The main problem, though? I just don't like this blog. I miss my Made in Melbourne days. Specifically, having a pretty blog with a million (or at least like 200+) posts behind me so that fellow bloggers actually knew a bit about me. Another downfall to my blogging? It doesn't like me posting photos. My fancy smancy new camera has far superior photographic capabilites than simply using my iPhone, and does not appreciate that. I literally can't upload a single photo of my Africa Safari awesomeness, and that makes me a little said. A picture is worth a thousand words, in my mind, and I'm clearly not pumping out anywhere near a thousand words in my lack of blog posts.

So, what to do... Attempt a NaBloPoMo style intervention on myself, and MAKE myself blog each day? Head on back to Made In Melbourne and try and ressurect the past? Move on entirely and spend hours exasperatedly trying to find a new blog title and/or pretty background and start afresh? Or simply live via my iPhone and keep FBing, Tweeting and Daily Boothing in the convenience of my own bed/car/shopping centre, instead of having to file every witty line I later think I'll type out on here, then consume a glass of wine and forget entirely what it was I was thinking? Decisions, decisions.

(in the meantime, you can check out my vlogs to get a little dose of me... )


  1. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE VLOGGING??? Jeez, I have to find everything out for myself. Gah.

    Do whatever makes YOU happy. Seriously.

    Going to watch you now!

  2. Katie,
    My friend and boss, Lisa Genova, who wrote Still Alice and Left Neglected, is coming to Melbourne in May!!! She is doing a 2 week tour of Australia and is doing multiple radio shows and book signings. I will let you know the date when it comes nearer, but it definitely is during the first 2 weeks of May. So if you saw her, it would kinda, sorta, be like you seeing me and me seeing you!!! Blog/vlog, so what makes you happy. :)


Go on, leave me some love. You know you want to.