Isn't it funny, I typed that blog title post to explain to the world that I, Miss Author Of This Blog, am committed to posting each and every day for a whole month in an effort to get myself back on the blogging wagon, and then got so busy in my brain thinking about committment and other C letter words I forgot what I was going to say.
As usual, while try to doze off to the land of nod last night, there were several (million) thoughts running through my brain. Most of which, at one stage or another, I thought would make brilliantly witty, utterly amazing blog posts, to which people would respond with glee and hastily proclaim their undying love to me via the comment form (located below this post, y'all). Upon waking, however, those aforementioned brilliantly witty future posts have vanished from my head, leaving nothing but reminders to remove my nail poish, and the usual longings for Subway. Nothing new there.
So, what to post? What to post indeed. I could discuss the fact my phone was cut off this morning, leaving me staring at my iPhone 4 screen with sorrow and lust for all the poor, unanaswered text messages that were sure to be loitering in my inbox, only to be reconnected 15 minutes later with not a single message awaiting me. Horror. I could mention how cold and dreary and miserable it is outside, and how unmotivated this makes me to get anything done, but then I start to think about all those loads of washing I need to get dried and... well, let's move on. I could point out the adorable kitting asleep on my leg, making creepy little grunty snuffle sounds, but then I'd have to take a photo to show the adorabless... Oh, go on then! While that's downloading off my phone, might I take this chance to point out my new background/header/general betterness of this blog? I feel marginally more at ease here, rather than at The Old Blog. Any thoughts/pointers/suggestions?
On that note, I'd better listen to my own brain's suggestions to get my butt into gear, get this washing done, jobs applied for, ass beaten at gym, and some horses ridden and dogs walked. Oh, and find my nearest Subway for a quick fix...
Check back later for my Accent video, plus a random questions tag vlog, too :D
I thought about it, for all of 2.7 seconds. I'm not quite that desperate. Yet.
Phoenix and I after a long, long day at the St Kilda Festival for the RSPCA.

Yes, I freely admit I am getting old. Glasses for me...*sob*
Turn off the light! The liiiiiight! I'm meltttttting!
As usual, while try to doze off to the land of nod last night, there were several (million) thoughts running through my brain. Most of which, at one stage or another, I thought would make brilliantly witty, utterly amazing blog posts, to which people would respond with glee and hastily proclaim their undying love to me via the comment form (located below this post, y'all). Upon waking, however, those aforementioned brilliantly witty future posts have vanished from my head, leaving nothing but reminders to remove my nail poish, and the usual longings for Subway. Nothing new there.
So, what to post? What to post indeed. I could discuss the fact my phone was cut off this morning, leaving me staring at my iPhone 4 screen with sorrow and lust for all the poor, unanaswered text messages that were sure to be loitering in my inbox, only to be reconnected 15 minutes later with not a single message awaiting me. Horror. I could mention how cold and dreary and miserable it is outside, and how unmotivated this makes me to get anything done, but then I start to think about all those loads of washing I need to get dried and... well, let's move on. I could point out the adorable kitting asleep on my leg, making creepy little grunty snuffle sounds, but then I'd have to take a photo to show the adorabless... Oh, go on then! While that's downloading off my phone, might I take this chance to point out my new background/header/general betterness of this blog? I feel marginally more at ease here, rather than at The Old Blog. Any thoughts/pointers/suggestions?
On that note, I'd better listen to my own brain's suggestions to get my butt into gear, get this washing done, jobs applied for, ass beaten at gym, and some horses ridden and dogs walked. Oh, and find my nearest Subway for a quick fix...
Check back later for my Accent video, plus a random questions tag vlog, too :D
Yes, I freely admit I am getting old. Glasses for me...*sob*
LOVE the header and the new look! (and the font is very cool, too.)
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling much better! xoxo
Thanks, Melisa! I'm keeping food down, which naturally means all I can think about is Subway! Skype tomorrow? Accent vid later :D