Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Rambles

A) I don't know why this isn't stellar quality.
B) I don't know why I look like such a whale in these videos. Even when filming them, I don't look that big.
C) I need to go hide all those shoes before The Enforcer gets home.


  1. I love how you always start out saying that this is going to be a "quick" vlog and then it's 9 minutes long. Is that like the winter/summer thing in the southern hemisphere: does "quick" mean "slow" down there? haha

    I can't believe you've bought all of those shoes THIS WEEK. Yikes.
    They are cute, though, I have to say! :)

  2. First off, LOVE your shoes! I couldn't wear them without breaking a bone or something, but I bet they look adorable on you!

    Second, your 'babies' are PRECIOUS! I love your pups! We used to have 2 loving labradors who thought they were lap dogs. Seeing your dogs almost makes me want another dog. Almost. (I'm not emotionally ready yet since our black lab's death is still a bit fresh.)


Go on, leave me some love. You know you want to.